daily horoscope
Daily Rasipalan

Start your days, reading your horoscope based daily predictions in Tamil.

vedic horoscope
Vedic Rasipalan

Generate your Tamil Jathagam to get detailed life predictions & remedies.

daily horoscope app

The auspicious & inauspicious timings and other astrology details of the day.

marriage matching
Horoscope Matching

Check thirumana porutham by yourself and choose the perfect bride/groom.

Be more confident every day, every time

Daily Rasipalan app can guide you in your day-to-day activities and future perspectives. The daily horoscope in Tamil and the panchangam feature empower you to perform your daily activities with confidence. The Vedic Horoscope in Tamil can guide you to success in all aspects of life and the marriage matching feature helps you in choosing the right partner for life.

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